Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Happy first day of Fall!! I love this time of year. The smells. The
air. It's time to break out the scarves, sweaters, cute boots and
start baking some amazing goodies. I see lot's of pies and hearty
soups in my future. Do you love this time of year?

It's also time to head to Starbucks and enjoy Pumpkin Spice Latte's
and warm Apple Fritter's. Be still my heart!


  1. I love fall too....AND I love me some starbucks!! ; )

  2. I love fall too! But here in Ky, it does't feel like fall today. :( It's in the low 90's. I'm ready for some 70 degree weather!!

  3. Happy FALL!
    Do not do coffee in any shape or form, but I could go for an apple fritter...or two...LOL!
    Hugs- Tete

  4. Ha oh my gosh! I have been debating all day whether or not to go to Starbucks! :) I guess I do need to do some reading...

    Happy First Day of Fall!

  5. Yes, soups, warm clothes, snuggly flannel sheets. Oh, and I almost forgot.....rain :( ---we live in Oregon so I hope our Indian Summer lasts and lasts. But when the tough have had enough, it's off to California to visit our daughter and her family.

  6. That apple fritter is making my mouth water! Mmmmm.

    I LOVE this time of year! It's perfect in every single way. The clothes, the weather, the food, the holidays!! YAY!!

    Happy Wednesday, Val! xx

  7. Ahhh yea! My favorite time of year!! Love fall and love your post!!

  8. I see 2 of my favorite things up there! Seriously, apple fritters are my all time favorite pastry! It totally feels like fall in the NW right now and I loved hearing my little guy say "mom, doesn't it just smell like fall right now? And, listen to the crunch of these leaves" He's a boy after my own heart! Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my latest post and I'm adding you to my blogroll if that is ok with you! :-)

  9. Oh gosh! I love everything about this post. It just makes me feel so "fall" good. I just can't wait ton see your fall cooking. Yum!!!
    Btw, I'm heading to Starbucks like now!

  10. I am addicted to Starbucks Chai Tea Latte and old fashioned donuts. Might have to switch to those apple fritters!! YUM!!!!

    Fall is my favorite for all the reasons that you listed and fires in the fireplace!!! However, it was 80 degrees here which is not the usual but it is supposed to cool off by Friday!! Yeah!

  11. Cyndi Thomson... What I Really Meant To Say. Nice.

  12. I ADORE Fall and for all the same reasons as you! =) Your photo is making me REALLY want a Starbucks latte right now, yum! I'll have to try the fritter, I've never had one before. =)

    Hugs sweetie,

  13. Now that’s a great way to welcome fall!

    Kendra aka “Domestic Princess in Training”

  14. Oh we need to have a Starbucks date too... So many things :)

  15. Sounds delish! Thank you for the kind words about our move. It will all work out in the end.

  16. I keep hearing about these pumpkin spice lattes. I don't drink coffee but maybe I'm missing something??

  17. I've been dreaming of apple pie recently! It's a fall favorite :) And I can't wait for cute boots either.

  18. Ha! The about me wit is sharp I approve! made me laugh. Thanks for stopping by my Blog with a nice comment. I have to Follow you to see what things other things you post about.


  19. I'm not a coffee drinker, but I do love pumpkin! YUM!

  20. This is my favorite time of the year!:D

    I am your newest follower!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  21. Looks SOOOO good!!! I love Starbucks and am a mocha kind of girl- but do like to have a pumpkin spice latte ( or several! ) in the fall! :)

  22. Looks like I am going to have to leave work to go get a pumpkin spice latte! They are my fav. Enjoy Fall :)

  23. Yummy! A perfect fall breakfast! I love your blog design!

  24. if you are what you eat I become a pumpkin in the fall...starting with your pumpkin whoopie pies, the Pumpkin Spice Latte, pumpkin pie, pumpkin ice cream etc... Although it is not very "fall like" in Palm Springs

  25. I have to be so careful everytime I come on here or I end up raiding the pantry!! I looove the Pumpkin Spice Latte's...have you tried the Toffee Mocha's?? I've never seen it on the menu until recently- I think I have a new favorite!


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