Monday, March 18, 2013

Grape Pesto Pizza

               I have to tell you...there is nothing, I love more than pizza. It a problem at times.
               I mean what's not to love? You can be as creative as you want and top it with -
                  just about anything. I love mixing up flavors and this one is a big winner!!

       There is a savory sweet thing happening in all this deliciousness. The warm grapes
     really pop with the pesto and feta. Truly winning combinations. Ladies will love this.
         Serve with a great class of wine or sparkling cider and invite your friends over.

                                                                    Grape Pesto Pizza

                                                      1 pizza dough, ( I bought mine at Trader Joe's )
                                                      1/2 cup of pesto
                                                      1 cup grapes, cut in half
                                                      1/4 cup parmesan cheese
                                                      2 or 3 ounces feta cheese
                                                      season with salt and pepper

             1) Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Add pesto, grapes, parmesan, feta and salt and
              pepper  to dough and bake for 15 to 20 minutes.


  1. I'm a big pizza lover too! This looks delish!

  2. Such an interesting combo! I love all things pizza! Haha...and served with wine? Cannot wait....

  3. Just ordering pizza as I speak!! This one looks so healthy and I will definitely try it!

  4. This sounds incredible! Pinning. :)

  5. This sounds and looks soo sooo sooo delicious! I'm also obsessed with pizza.

  6. What a fun combo!!!! I adore grapes, so this sounds so darn good

  7. mm love this combo~! now just need to add a glass of wine!

  8. Fantastic, I've been dying for a great pizza recipe, now I have one! Your pictures are AMAZING, my mouth is watering! ;)

  9. Oh my goodness I am obsessed with this whole thing you have going on here. I LOVE grapes cooked into savory dishes. YUM!

  10. WOW! I would never think of grapes on a pizza but this looks soooooo good!!!

  11. What an awesome recipe! It looks so good. I to have a slight pizza obsession myself ;)

  12. ive never thought of grapes on a pizza but it sounds down right amazing. trader joes is usually where i buy my pizza dough too

  13. This looks so good!! I had roasted grapes for the first time in Napa--I never even thought of it before, now I make them all of the time. It really brings out all the sweetness. I've never thought about it on a pizza--definitely a must try!!

  14. Interesting...I've never seen this before. I'm sure it was a hit!

  15. Never would have thought of adding grapes to my pizza but the combination of it all makes sense!

  16. Oh Val! You are incredible! I want I want I want! So very fresh and easy and fulfilling.

  17. I definitely would have NEVER thought to put grapes on pizza. this sounds amazing. We made homemade pizza tonight with capers and feta but this sounds like a great one for next time!

  18. Interesting! Definitely love fruits in my pizza. Got my eye on your next posts.

  19. mmmm, i bet the sweet/salty combo is just delicious! this looks awesome!

  20. love this idea. Anything with pesto sounds good to me!

  21. You are the master of sweet fruit + savory flavors. Very creative!

  22. yummmmm!!! this looks amazing!!! I definitely want to try it!
    {love jenny xoxo}

  23. This is really interesting, it reminds me of a dish I make called Pesto Pizza Salad. It's salad on top of the pizza. ANd you drizzle this warm balsamic dressing on it. It's so good. Love it as usual and great usual. :) LOve you!

    Shauna xo

  24. Well, I've gotta try this. Never would've put this together!!

  25. This looks SO good! I love grapes in dishes (Waldorf Salad, anyone?) and especially enjoy them in traditional salads. This is brilliant and I can't wait to try it. Do you recommend purple grapes over green?


  26. This must taste so fresh and delicious, what a cool idea.

  27. Great combinations! Perfect for summer!

  28. YUM! I love pesto! And with the grapes... sound delish!

  29. love pesto and also your blog! It's so nice!!! I follow you!
    Pass to my blog and if it likes you follow me too, I will be so glad :D

  30. I would NEVER have thought of this kind of combo, but I am interested now! You have great ideas!

  31. The idea of putting grapes on a pizza is kind of scary to me, but I think that I need to get out of my comfort zone and try it... If you recommend it, then it's worth trying!

  32. Yum, I bet this is amazing. I make this summer salad with grapes in it, and I love the salty/sweet combo it makes. I'm definitely going to have to try this!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  33. So original and yummy! A must try!

  34. i always want to do more with grapes... and somehow I always miss out. this looks like one fantastic pizza!

  35. I've never seen anything like this before... but sounds like a fabulous combination! Definitely a dish to impress guests :)


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