Friday, May 3, 2013

Frozen Strawberry Margaritas

          I wrote this recipe early in the week hoping to get it to you by Cinco de Mayo, my -
                         personal favorite holiday and I'm so happy to be able to post this.

     I'm not sure if any of you have seen on the news that California is having some serious
     wild fires and I was evacuated yesterday and was able to get back home today, only to
     hear that I might have to be evacuated again. Luckily, that did not happen. Needless
     to say...I'm celebrating Cinco de Mayo today and counting my blessings!

                                                           Frozen Strawberry Margaritas

                                                           6 ounces of tequila ( Cabo or patron )
                                                           2 ounces grand marnier
                                                           1 quart of fresh strawberries
                                                           3 limes, juiced
                                                           3/4 cup water
                                                           2 tablespoons agave nectar
                                                           3 to 4 cups of ice

        1) In a blender. Mix all 7 ingredients until desired consistency. Pour into salt rimmed

         These margaritas are so tasty and make an entire pitcher full. Share and enjoy!!!

                    If you are interested in more margaritas you can try anyone of these......
                      coconut-lime-margaritas - pomegranate and cranberry margaritas -
                                                     watermelon margaritas


  1. Hey girlfriend! Was wondering if you guys were okay. Praying you and your property stay safe. Thanks for thinking of us in such a trying time. Looks refreshing and perfect for the 5th!!

  2. My heart is with yall! I hope you are safe. Crazy fires. This looks amazing. I went strawberry picking today! Coincidence? I think not

  3. Those look so yummy and refreshing! I saw all the fires on the news...stay safe. xo

  4. I made your coconut lime margaritas a few months ago and loved them! I can't wait to try these! We are celebrating Apple Blossom (a huge local festival that boasts one of the world's largest firefighter's parade!) and Cinco de Mayo this weekend! Lots of celebratory drinks will be had this weekend! Thanks for sharing!

  5. The best post ever! : ) So thankful you and your family are safe. Cheers to an early Cinco de Mayo and to the weekend ahead. xo

  6. Those look delicious and refreshing! It's been a hot week! Glad to hear your home safe.

  7. It's almost 8 AM here and I wish I could have one of those for breakfast! So good! I pray that you and your family remain safe!!!

  8. It's 8:45 am in NJ but I am now dreaming of trying one of those! I LOVE strawberry margaritas!

  9. It's only 9:00 am here in NY and I wan't one! I love Margaritas. I recently tried a Mangorita and man that was delicious!

  10. Yum yum yum!! Margaritas are so delicious and this one sounds wonderful!! Glad you are safe and sound at home sweet friend!!

  11. These pictures are so nice and bright!!! Love it!

  12. Super perfect for Cinco de Mayo! Now I need some fajitas!

  13. Ooh, these look SO good! And I'm so happy that you don't have to be evacuated - that's wonderful news!

  14. Glad to hear your family and home is safe. I could see the fire all the way in Woodland Hills the other day. Excellent drink for this weekend!

  15. Oh you're killing me with this! :)

  16. Nothing like a few margaritas to get you through a stressful time! Glad you didn't have to evacuate again. I'll be pinning this one...and looking forward to trying all of your drinks this summer! Now, I just need some of those cute glasses!

  17. You have the best recipes! I need these margaritas now! Xo

  18. I can't believe I have never made margaritas before! This looks like a must try drink, yuM!

  19. Happy "Cinco" gorgeous!

  20. This looks So incredibly delicious that I MUST try it!

  21. Yum yum yummy yum yum. And that fresh pea hummus sounds amazing!

    Ali of

  22. glad to hear you're okay! i still feel on edge after everything that's happened in boston, and i have so many friends in california...stay safe and keep drinking those margaritas :)

  23. This looks so good. You can get "virgin" types of these right? :) You are so dynamic in your range of recipes I love that about you. Val, you're like a one hit wonder with food and drink! Love you!

    Shauna xo

  24. So glad you're okay!! How scary!
    I really want this margarita, like now! Time to break out the blender:)

  25. yum!! that looks delicious!!!

  26. I hope you are enjoying this yummy drink with no threat of wild fires!

  27. Yum! These would be good even as Virgins. Yummy!

  28. I made your garbanzo bean salad last week and I'm making your buffalo wedges tonight! So glad I found your blog, I've pinned so many recipes!


  29. Aren't the fires scary!!? My husband is a LA county firefighter and got called up to the Ventura fire on Friday. No fun. Happy you got to celebrate Cinco de mayo and share these YUMMY looking margaritas. I may or may not have treated myself to a couple margaritas this weekend ;)

  30. We have a couple of bottles of Tequila that we need to use. These would be perfect to sip on while sitting by our pool this summer. They look so refreshing! Glad you were able to get back home safely. Hope you had a great Cinco de Mayo!

  31. Mmm....I can go for one right now Val!~

  32. Wow, glad you're okay so far. We have way to many wildfires these days...Hang in there and celebrate with a margarita :)

  33. These look so amazing! I dont care if its morning right now! ;)

    So glad youre back safe & sound at home! The pics on Instagram looked horrible!

  34. How scary! Glad you are okay. These margaritas look great-I could use one right now ;)

  35. So sorry to hear you were affected by the fires! I was watching the coverage on the news. We've had the weirdest weather here in CA this past week.

    Somehow I knew you could make the perfect margarita . Love that you use agave nectar. We should save the calories for the tequila :)

  36. I have never tried this kind of beverage before. But I would really love to try it within the week. It’s perfect for this upcoming weekend’s celebration, Mother’s Day! Happy Mother’s Day to all moms out there! Thanks a lot for sharing your priceless beverage recipe! It’s a great help!

  37. How delicious for spring and summer. I never turn down a margarita :)

  38. Oh I could so go for a margarita! This looks so refreshing.

  39. Yum! It is a pretty hot day here in CT and I was looking for something cool to have with dinner and I found it! Thank you for sharing the recipe!


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